Posted by : Unknown Monday, June 22, 2015

Click & Close Ads Click & Close Ads a trash can as punishment. Channel 2 Action News first reported on this story when police arrested Mary Katherine Pursley in May. Pursley is accused of holding the child over the trash can and telling the second-grader with autism that his behavior was like "Oscar the Grouch." She is facing criminal charges, but is fighting with the school district to keep her job. Pursley has worked with children with special needs for nearly two decades.Click & Close Ads Click & Close Ads Pursley took the stand Monday at a Tribunal hearing to tell her side of the story. She says what happened during the after school program at Mt. Bethel Elementary that day was misinterpreted. Pursley says she had a close relationship with the child, so when he began throwing a temper tantrum she intervened. Pursley says she was simply trying to calm him down. “She holds him in her arms, she goes over to this and she said, ‘Alright now, we’re going to shake out the grouchies.’ And so she holds him down (towards the can) and said, ‘Now, we’re going to pour them into this can,” said Pursley’s attorney Warran Fortson. Pursley says her actions were in no way malicious.Click & Close Ads Click & Close Ads

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