King Charles III review – a 21st-century Shakespearean tragedy
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play has grown in stature since its premiere at the Almeida in April. Now we’ve got over the titillating shock of seeing living royals presented on stage, we can see that the play offers a meditation on the inviolable solitude of monarchy and uses a dense tissue of Shakespearean references to acquire a tragic dimension.
I still find the premise a touch dodgy: that within a few days of becoming king, Charles would be so naive as to refuse royal assent to a parliamentary bill restricting press freedom. But once we are past that hurdle, the play ingeniously explores the constitutional crisis that would result from Charles’s interventionism. Bartlett also goes beyond parodying Shakespearean verse to evoke memories of specific plays. Charles reflects on the clash between the private man and the public role in the manner of Shakespeare’s kings, ghostly predictions remind us of Hamlet and Macbeth, and there is even an allusion to Hal’s rejection of Falstaff on the threshold of his coronation. But the play transcends spot-the-bard jokiness to explore the unresolved contradictions of monarchy even in an age when it is largely ceremonial.
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Tim Pigott-Smith gives the performance of his distinguished career as Charles. He eschews mere impersonation to convey, in the first half, a tormented idealist struggling to come to terms with his new role. He then grows into a movingly tragic figure in his baffled rage at being outmanoeuvred by members of his own family and his realisation of the hollowness of the throne. Oliver Chris as the deceptively gauche William, Richard Goulding as a roistering Harry and Lydia Wilson as a secretly manipulative Kate also carry conviction, and Rupert Goold’s superb production, played on Tom Scutt’s empurpled dais, shows how memorable effects can be achieved through carefully choreographed grouping. The costumes are virtually all black and white – but there is nothing morally simplistic about a play that raises urgent issues about the monarchy’s future role in a country without a defined constitution.Click & Close Ads
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Incredible ‘Love Lamps’ by Georgian Product Designer 3D-Printed With Transparent Resin
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So, what happens when two lamps become one? The answer is, “More light!” (if not, “More lamps!”). Product designer Sandro Lominashvili of Tblisi, Georgia, used 3D-printed components in the most ingenious and oddly romantic way to create a chic, contemporary looking two-in-one lighting fixture. He calls it or, rather, them, the “Love Lamps.”
Lominashvili, who studied mechanical engineering at King’s College in London, UK and worked for several years for a number of architecture and design companies before setting up his own studio last year, is an ardent advocate of 3D design and printing. In his leisure time, the energetic Lominashvili studies design and architecture magazines to spot the latest trends in innovative design, sketching every day and developing ideas into successful products. He incorporates digital and manual processes, including the use of 3D modeling software like Grasshopper, SolidWorks, and Rhino, the latter of which he utilized to design the Love Lamps.
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When he’s not flying solo, Lominashvili works with different craftspeople and makers both in Tbilisi and abroad, building a community of forward-thinking designers using the latest technological tools to produce a range of products. He also exhibits his work as he did with the Love Lamps, which were showcased at the Ventura Lambrate show during Milan Design Week 2015.Lominashvili’s Love Lamps are meant to represent, he explained, “the constant togetherness of couples in love.” He created three different versions of this endearing design concept. In each, the two seemingly separate lamps, they interlock or intersect in different ways via the angular arms and the shades. All were 3D printed using transparent resin as he wanted the cables, fixtures and bulbs to be visible. The design of the these individuals pieces were inspired by the classic Anglepoise Lamp, a balanced-arm lamp created by the British designer, George Cawardine in the early 1930s.
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When asked why he chose 3D printing as the manufacturing method of choice for his Love Lamps, Lominashvili said, “3D printing seemed like the best option because it made it possible for the design to be very clean, with almost no extra parts, and I had very few constraints with the shape.” He chose i.materialise to do the 3D printing job as he found the printing material–in this case, the transparent resin–ideal for the Lamps.
As his studio is new, Lominashvili does not yet have an extensive portfolio that he can share via his website, but we imagine that will change as he adds new products like the Love Lamps and the sleek, Modernist chair already showcased on the site. What do you think of these uniquely designed lamps? Discuss in the 3D Printed Love Lamps forum thread on
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The Americans are coming! Some in a Texas county fear an Obama-led U.S. military invasion.
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BASTROP, Texas — The office of the Bastrop County Republican Party is in an old lumber mill on Main Street, with peeling brown paint and a sign out front that captures the party’s feelings about the Obama administration: “WISE UP AMERICA!”
Inside, county Chairman Albert Ellison pulled out a yellow legal pad on which he had written page after page of reasons why many Texans distrust President Obama, including the fact that, “in the minds of some, he was raised by communists and mentored by terrorists.”
So it should come as no surprise, Ellison said, that as the U.S. military prepares to launch one of the largest training exercises in history later this month, many Bastrop residents might suspect a secret Obama plot to spy on them, confiscate their guns and ultimately establish martial law in one of America’s proudly free conservative states.
They are not “nuts and wackos. They are concerned citizens, and they are patriots,” Ellison said of his suspicious neighbors. “Obama has really painted a portrait in the minds of many conservatives that he is capable of this sort of thing.”
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Across town at the Bastrop County Courthouse, such talk elicits a weary sigh from County Judge Paul Pape, the chief official in this county of 78,000 people. Pape said he has tried to explain to folks that the exercise, known as Jade Helm 15, is a routine training mission that poses no threat to anyone.Pape chaired a public meeting this spring and invited a U.S. Army Special Operations Command spokesman to answer questions about Jade Helm. The meeting drew more than 150 people carrying signs that read “No Gestapo in Bastropo,” “Keep America Free” and “Dissent is Not a Conspiracy Theory.” Some asked whether the Army was bringing in Islamic State fighters, if the United Nations would be involved, and whether the military was planning to relieve local gun owners of their firearms.
“I’m sensitive to the fact that some of our Bastrop residents are concerned, and I’m confident that they are very sincere about their concerns,” Pape said. “But how did we get to this point in our country?”
Race and economic anxiety
Here in the soft, green farmlands east of Austin, some say the answer is simple: “The truth is, this stems a fair amount from the fact that we have a black president,” said Terry Orr, who was Bastrop’s mayor from 2008 to 2014.
Orr said he strongly disagrees with those views, and he supports Jade Helm. But he said a significant number of people in town distrust Obama because they think he is primarily concerned with the welfare of blacks and “illegal aliens.”
“People think the government is just not on the side of the white guy,” Orr said.
Bastrop’s current mayor, Kenneth Kesselus, who also supports Jade Helm, agrees. Kesselus said the distrust is due in part to a sense that “things aren’t as good as they used to be,” especially economically. “The middle class is getting squeezed and they’ve got to take it out on somebody, and Obama is a great target.”Dock Jackson, 62, an African American who has been on the Bastrop City Council for 24 years, grew up when the town was still segregated, literally by railroad tracks. Today, Bastrop is 34 percent Hispanic and 8 percent black, and a wonderful place to live, he said, a place where the races generally get along.
But the Jade Helm backlash has been a “red flag” that our county “still has a lot of things they need to come to terms with,” Jackson said, including the anger and disrespect being directed at the president.
At a recent family reunion at a Bastrop community center, Mark Peterson, who is black, said he has been “shocked” by what he views as racist undertones in much of the objection to Jade Helm.
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“What I hate to hear most is, ‘We want to take our country back.’ This is still your country. Where did it go?” said Peterson, 42, a technology manager for a financial firm in Austin. “If it were any other president but Obama, it would not be an issue.”
[It isn’t just Jade Helm 15: The varying and misunderstood roles of state-sponsored militias]
Jade Helm’s troubles started with a map, released by the military, which depicted the area of operations. It showed seven southwestern states colored red for “hostile” (including Texas) and blue for “permissive” (including California). The map sent the conspiracy-minded into overdrive.
At the public hearing this spring, military spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria explained that those designations are part of a fictional scenario: Jade Helm is intended to simulate U.S. Special Forces helping resistance fighters restore democracy in an imaginary country. The operation’s logo, which features a Dutch wooden shoe, is meant to represent anti-Nazi resistance in World War II Europe.
Lastoria patiently answered questions for nearly three hours, explaining that while Jade Helm would involve 1,200 troops across seven states, no more than 60 would be training in Bastrop County. Moreover, the The Texas operation would be confined to military bases — including Camp Swift, a large Army National Guard base in Bastrop — as well as private property where the military had secured the landowners’ permission.
“All service members take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we put our lives on the line every day to uphold that oath,” he said. “So for people to come up with irrational ideas and try to associate them with the United States military, it does our troops a disservice.”
The hearing failed to tamp down the paranoia, however. Ellison, the GOP chairman, said “the fear factor is justified.”
Obama “doesn’t take national threats seriously enough,” Ellison said, ticking off Obama’s policies toward Russia, Iran, Cuba and the Islamic State, as well as illegal immigration across the U.S. southern border and the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya.
“What he views as alarming instead is conservatism,” Ellison said, alleging that the Obama administration has used the Internal Revenue Service to attack the tea party and other conservative groups, been hostile to gun owners, issued what conservatives consider an illegal executive order to avoid deporting illegal immigrants, and “been complicit in stirring riots” in racially charged situations in Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore.
“The Obama administration has a history of attacking Texas” on issues from education standards to environmental regulations to Obamacare, he said. “It’s not that much of a leap to believe that he would try to employ the military like he does the IRS.”
Others suspect Obama wants to establish martial law to cancel the 2016 presidential elections and extend his term in office. Terry Wareham, head of the Bastrop County Tea Party, said she fears that the Obama administration might deliberately instigate violence between soldiers and Texans as a pretext for establishing martial law.
“We’re not against the military. This community is very supportive of the military,” Wareham said. “But who’s the commander in chief of the military?”
A ‘toxic’ politics
Some in Bastrop dismiss the talk of martial law as the delusional rantings of saucer-eyed loons. But others see it as the logical outcome of the Texas political climate, where they say the state’s Republican leaders have eagerly stoked distrust of the federal government, and especially of Obama.
“They are trying to convince people the federal government is coming after them,” said state Sen. Kirk Watson, a Democrat who represents Bastrop County.
Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has ordered the Texas State Guard to “monitor” Jade Helm 15. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, a Republican presidential hopeful, has said he understands “the reason for concern and uncertainty, because . . . the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration.”
“They say the government is coming after you,” Watson said, “so why would you be surprised if the government shows up with guns?”
Carol Schumacher, a Bastrop artist whose property backs up onto Camp Swift, laughed when asked about the Jade Helm conspiracy theorists.
“I think those people are crazy,” she said. “I’m more worried about them taking over.”Click & Close Ads
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Dementia: GPs say patchy services fail patients
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Doctors have raised fresh concerns about the level of support people with dementia and their carers get from the NHS and social services in the UK.
And the Royal College of GPs says until the situation improves, doctors will have to weigh up whether there is any advantage in early diagnosis.
The college was responding to a survey of GPs for the Alzheimer's Society.
The poll suggests some patients are forced to rely on family, friends and unpaid carers due to gaps in services.
The government said dementia training had been given to 600,000 NHS and social care staff.
GPs have a key role in co-ordinating care for people with dementia, but the Royal College of GPs says in some places services are collapsing under the pressure of more diagnoses.The online survey, of around 1,000 family doctors, found they had wide-ranging concerns about levels of care.
Some felt there weren't enough local services to help their patients.
And when these services were not available, a quarter of doctors warned they would be less likely to refer a person with suspected dementia to specialists to make a firm diagnosis.
Agreeing with these concerns, Prof Nigel Mathers, of the Royal College of GPs, called for improvements in the "patchy provision of support services in some areas".
He warned: "Until this can be delivered to all patients, regardless of where they live in the country, GPs will have to continue weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of early diagnosis."
He argued previous evidence had shown that unless a patient's wellbeing was improved by being given a diagnosis, one should not be forced upon them.Click & Close Ads
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'All-consuming battle'
The Alzheimer's Society, the charity that commissioned the survey, said the GPs' answers revealed a "deeply worrying lack of support available from health and social services, with relatives left to pick up the pieces alone".
Jeremy Hughes, chief executive at the society, added: "People can need a lot of help to live well with dementia. Families and friends are a vital source of support but they mustn't be relied on to do everything."
But Stephen Blakeburn, from Darlington, who cares for his mother, said he felt he had been failed by the system.
He said: "Since my mum was diagnosed with dementia, it has been a constant, all-consuming battle to get her the support she needs.
"After two care assessments which led to nothing, I've been left with no option but to drastically cut down my hours at work so I can take care of her.Click & Close Ads
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"I love my mum dearly and want to do everything I can to support her but sometimes it gets too much and it is very overwhelming."
A spokesman from the Department of Health said: "We are already expanding access to named clinicians and dementia advisers to help patients and their families, and giving the option of personal budgets - and we want to see these things being offered across the NHS."Click & Close Ads
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GTA 5 Online Gotten DLC Gameplay Mod Free Download and Install
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DomisLive and iCrazyTeddy just showed GTA fans a brand new Gameplay Concept Mod. This mod also includes the DLC elements for the III Gotten Gains DLC that was made known to the public. The Gameplay Concept Mod mirrors the Enus Windsor paint jobs and the DLC designer one. If you are interested to check out this mod you can get it from, if not then you’ll just have to wait for the official launch of the lll Gotten Gains DLC (it will take place in the following week). Note: The Gameplay Concept Mod is hitting it off with GTA 5 (this is the computer variant) and you cannot copy it on older or newer game consoles.
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The renowned and highly appreciated Youtuber iCrazyTeddy has also shared more info about this Gameplay Concept Mod for the Ill-Gotten Gains DLC. So according to his sayings, the Concept Mod details the clothing styles and the paint makeovers that gamers will get once the lll-Gotten Gains DLC (just for part 1) will be unveiled. The video lets you see how exactly you can experience these DLC Gameplay Concept Mod elements by using the wardrobe, once you get to a safer establishment. So, you can mod the skin of Dinka Jester Classic by choosing the Enus Windsor paint job to pair up with the shades as well as the texture of your designer jacket in GTA 5. Neat right? How can you get this cool paint job for the Dinka Jeste in the GTA 5 game? We’ll tell you how:
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Start by driving your automobile from Franklin’s garage to Los Santos Customs. Then you can personalize the car with a bunch of different textures and neat skins, if you want the car to go perfectly with what you are wearing. The shades of your automobile can be changed as well (blue, red, yellow, pink and a lot more hues are available). As a final note, we inform you that lll-Gotten Gains DLC will roll out on PC, Xbox One and PS4, Xbox 360 as well as PS3.
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DomisLive and iCrazyTeddy just showed GTA fans a brand new Gameplay Concept Mod. This mod also includes the DLC elements for the III Gotten Gains DLC that was made known to the public. The Gameplay Concept Mod mirrors the Enus Windsor paint jobs and the DLC designer one. If you are interested to check out this mod you can get it from, if not then you’ll just have to wait for the official launch of the lll Gotten Gains DLC (it will take place in the following week). Note: The Gameplay Concept Mod is hitting it off with GTA 5 (this is the computer variant) and you cannot copy it on older or newer game consoles.
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The renowned and highly appreciated Youtuber iCrazyTeddy has also shared more info about this Gameplay Concept Mod for the Ill-Gotten Gains DLC. So according to his sayings, the Concept Mod details the clothing styles and the paint makeovers that gamers will get once the lll-Gotten Gains DLC (just for part 1) will be unveiled. The video lets you see how exactly you can experience these DLC Gameplay Concept Mod elements by using the wardrobe, once you get to a safer establishment. So, you can mod the skin of Dinka Jester Classic by choosing the Enus Windsor paint job to pair up with the shades as well as the texture of your designer jacket in GTA 5. Neat right? How can you get this cool paint job for the Dinka Jeste in the GTA 5 game? We’ll tell you how:
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Start by driving your automobile from Franklin’s garage to Los Santos Customs. Then you can personalize the car with a bunch of different textures and neat skins, if you want the car to go perfectly with what you are wearing. The shades of your automobile can be changed as well (blue, red, yellow, pink and a lot more hues are available). As a final note, we inform you that lll-Gotten Gains DLC will roll out on PC, Xbox One and PS4, Xbox 360 as well as PS3.
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Raikkonen “not happy” with third place
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Raikkonen qualified third after team-mate Vettel fell by the wayside in Q1 with an MGU-H failure. While Kimi’s life was undoubtedly made easier as a result of his team-mate’s demise, the Finn had been faster in FP3 and saw off a strong challenge from Valtteri Bottas to claim the position. Despite it being his best qualifying position so far this year, Kimi said: “We still have some work ahead, obviously we are not happy to finish third in the grid but in the race we’lll try to do better. It’s hard to say what will happen tomorrow but at least we did a better qualifying than normal and we’ll be in a better position for the race.” Ferrari, running an upgraded power unit this weekend, have looked strong throughout the event. Nico Rosberg & Lewis Hamilton have both commented on how Ferrari appear to have raised their game, and Kimi says that the weekend has been smooth sailing so far:
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“The car has been feeling good all weekend. We had no problems, apart from the one Sebastian had in qualifying, and everything ran smoothly. We have been making sure that all the small details were correct, we have learned from the past difficult races how small things can make a big change and enable you to get the result you want . So far it has been ok but tomorrow is the big day. I expect that we can be stronger and challenge for a competitive race . The weather has been tricky these days, so it will be a bit of uncertain tomorrow. Tonight we are going to analyse a lot of data and will try to make the right decisions”. While Raikkonen will be keen to challenge the Mercs, Sebastian Vettel faces a much tougher task. After falling out of contention during Q1, Vettel was called in front of the stewards to answer charges of overtaking Roberto Merhi under red flag conditions in FP3. He was found guilty, and hit with a five place grid and three penalty points. “Right from the start we didn’t have the full power available, so when I went out for the first run we tried to fix the problem, but we couldn’t.” said Vettel afterwards. “Due to the lack of power we couldn’t make it further. For sure we have to investigate but I don’t think that there’s anything to do with the engine. I think it has more to do with the electronical side, but I am confident that we can fix the problem in time for tomorrow’s race. We have plenty of tyres and anything can happen. We have a strong car and a strong pace, so I should be able to score good points. The problem we had this morning in FP3 was completely unrelated.”
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Raikkonen qualified third after team-mate Vettel fell by the wayside in Q1 with an MGU-H failure. While Kimi’s life was undoubtedly made easier as a result of his team-mate’s demise, the Finn had been faster in FP3 and saw off a strong challenge from Valtteri Bottas to claim the position. Despite it being his best qualifying position so far this year, Kimi said: “We still have some work ahead, obviously we are not happy to finish third in the grid but in the race we’lll try to do better. It’s hard to say what will happen tomorrow but at least we did a better qualifying than normal and we’ll be in a better position for the race.” Ferrari, running an upgraded power unit this weekend, have looked strong throughout the event. Nico Rosberg & Lewis Hamilton have both commented on how Ferrari appear to have raised their game, and Kimi says that the weekend has been smooth sailing so far:
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“The car has been feeling good all weekend. We had no problems, apart from the one Sebastian had in qualifying, and everything ran smoothly. We have been making sure that all the small details were correct, we have learned from the past difficult races how small things can make a big change and enable you to get the result you want . So far it has been ok but tomorrow is the big day. I expect that we can be stronger and challenge for a competitive race . The weather has been tricky these days, so it will be a bit of uncertain tomorrow. Tonight we are going to analyse a lot of data and will try to make the right decisions”. While Raikkonen will be keen to challenge the Mercs, Sebastian Vettel faces a much tougher task. After falling out of contention during Q1, Vettel was called in front of the stewards to answer charges of overtaking Roberto Merhi under red flag conditions in FP3. He was found guilty, and hit with a five place grid and three penalty points. “Right from the start we didn’t have the full power available, so when I went out for the first run we tried to fix the problem, but we couldn’t.” said Vettel afterwards. “Due to the lack of power we couldn’t make it further. For sure we have to investigate but I don’t think that there’s anything to do with the engine. I think it has more to do with the electronical side, but I am confident that we can fix the problem in time for tomorrow’s race. We have plenty of tyres and anything can happen. We have a strong car and a strong pace, so I should be able to score good points. The problem we had this morning in FP3 was completely unrelated.”
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Defense Stock Roundup: Lockheed-Raytheon-Bombardier Team Up; Raytheon Missiles in Focus
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Pentagon’s prime contractor, Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT - Analyst Report), will join forces with Bombardier and Raytheon Co. (RTN - Analyst Report) to contend for the U.S. Air Force's next-generation JSTARS replacement. For now, Lockheed Martin has secured a big contract modification to develop the ballistic missile defense command and control program. Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (HII - Snapshot Report) broke ground for building a new joint manufacturing assembly facility in Newport News, VA. (Read Defense Stock Roundup for Jun 16, 2015 here.) Recap of the Week’s Most Important Stories
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1. Lockheed Martin Corp. secured a big pie from the Pentagon’s daily funding list, worth $870 million. The U.S. military awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to continue developing the ballistic missile defense (“BMD”) command and control program that enables senior U.S. officials to plan BMD operations. The company will continue engineering, development, test, integration, fielding and on-site operations and sustainment support for the command and control, battle management and communications (“C2BMC”) system located worldwide for the Ballistic Missile Defense System. This is a modification contract that brings the total cumulative contract value to $2.1 billion from $1.2 billion. The work is expected to be completed by Dec 31, 2021. 2. Lockheed Martin will collaborate with Bombardier and Raytheon to compete for the U.S. Air Force's next-generation Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (“JSTARS”) Recapitalization program. The team will build a replacement for the aging JSTARS aircraft. Lockheed Martin will act as the lead systems integrator, while Raytheon will bring its expertise in ground surveillance, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, mission systems integration, and JSTARS communications. Bombardier for its part will provide its ultra-long-range Global business jet platform that is less pricey to operate than modern airliners. Meanwhile, Northrop Grumman Corp. (NOC - Analyst Report) recently announced that it would team up with General Dynamics Corp. (GD - Analyst Report), Gulfstream and L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. (LLL - Analyst Report) to compete for the program. This means Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin will confront each other on both the B-3 bomber program and the JSTARS recap. The contract from the Air Force has not yet been awarded. 3. Raytheon Company has won a multi-year contract from the U.S. Navy to produce 53 maritime, littoral and overland surveillance radars, known as AN/APY-10, valued at $153 million. The radars will be used in Boeing’s (BA) P-8A Poseidon aircraft. So far, Raytheon has delivered about 62% of the previous order of 58 AN/APY-10 radars from the U.S. Navy. Last week, another category of Raytheon’s radars – AN/TPY-2 ballistic missile defense radar – received a green signal from the U.S. government for its use in forward-based mode by its allies (read more: Raytheon Wins Surveillance Radar Orders from U.S. Navy). In another development, Raytheon announced that along with the U.S. Navy, it has completed operational testing and evaluation of live fires of the AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II infrared air-to-air missile. The U.S. government is now finalizing the approval, acceptance and delivery of Block II missiles to the U.S. and foreign allies, which are scheduled later this year. Block I missiles have been delivered to nine U.S. allies, while seven customers have already signed up for deliveries of Block II by the beginning of this year (read more: Raytheon Completes AIM-9X Missile Testing with U.S. Navy).
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4. United Technologies Corporation’s (UTX - Analyst Report) unit, Sikorsky Aircraft, completed the delivery of six CH-148 Cyclone helicopters to the Canadian government. The helicopters are the first batch of an order of 28 Cyclone aircraft that Sikorsky is scheduled to deliver to the Canadian Armed Forces (read more: UTX's Sikorsky Delivers 6 Cyclone Helicopters to Canada).5. Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.’s Newport News Shipbuilding segment broke ground for building a 250,000-square-foot joint manufacturing assembly facility. The facility’s first two phases, to open in 2017, will support work under current contracts for the Navy's new Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear-powered carriers and Virginia-class submarines. It will be among the largest at the shipyard. Meanwhile, as a part of its planned incremental availability, Newport News Shipbuilding clinched a $23.8 million contract from the U.S. Navy for nuclear propulsion and complex modernization work on the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). The modernization work is expected to be completed by Nov 2015 at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Performance The last five trading days have seen gains for the sector overall led by Northrop Grumman and followed by Boeing. The picture in the past six-month period is mixed with gains as well as losses. Only Boeing and Rockwell Collins have been able to register double-digit gains. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and L-3 Communications on the other hand have failed to end in the green. General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and Textron registered single-digit share price appreciation. The following table shows the price movement of the major defense players over the past five trading days and during the last six months.Click & Close Ads
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Pentagon’s prime contractor, Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT - Analyst Report), will join forces with Bombardier and Raytheon Co. (RTN - Analyst Report) to contend for the U.S. Air Force's next-generation JSTARS replacement. For now, Lockheed Martin has secured a big contract modification to develop the ballistic missile defense command and control program. Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (HII - Snapshot Report) broke ground for building a new joint manufacturing assembly facility in Newport News, VA. (Read Defense Stock Roundup for Jun 16, 2015 here.) Recap of the Week’s Most Important Stories
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1. Lockheed Martin Corp. secured a big pie from the Pentagon’s daily funding list, worth $870 million. The U.S. military awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to continue developing the ballistic missile defense (“BMD”) command and control program that enables senior U.S. officials to plan BMD operations. The company will continue engineering, development, test, integration, fielding and on-site operations and sustainment support for the command and control, battle management and communications (“C2BMC”) system located worldwide for the Ballistic Missile Defense System. This is a modification contract that brings the total cumulative contract value to $2.1 billion from $1.2 billion. The work is expected to be completed by Dec 31, 2021. 2. Lockheed Martin will collaborate with Bombardier and Raytheon to compete for the U.S. Air Force's next-generation Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (“JSTARS”) Recapitalization program. The team will build a replacement for the aging JSTARS aircraft. Lockheed Martin will act as the lead systems integrator, while Raytheon will bring its expertise in ground surveillance, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, mission systems integration, and JSTARS communications. Bombardier for its part will provide its ultra-long-range Global business jet platform that is less pricey to operate than modern airliners. Meanwhile, Northrop Grumman Corp. (NOC - Analyst Report) recently announced that it would team up with General Dynamics Corp. (GD - Analyst Report), Gulfstream and L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. (LLL - Analyst Report) to compete for the program. This means Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin will confront each other on both the B-3 bomber program and the JSTARS recap. The contract from the Air Force has not yet been awarded. 3. Raytheon Company has won a multi-year contract from the U.S. Navy to produce 53 maritime, littoral and overland surveillance radars, known as AN/APY-10, valued at $153 million. The radars will be used in Boeing’s (BA) P-8A Poseidon aircraft. So far, Raytheon has delivered about 62% of the previous order of 58 AN/APY-10 radars from the U.S. Navy. Last week, another category of Raytheon’s radars – AN/TPY-2 ballistic missile defense radar – received a green signal from the U.S. government for its use in forward-based mode by its allies (read more: Raytheon Wins Surveillance Radar Orders from U.S. Navy). In another development, Raytheon announced that along with the U.S. Navy, it has completed operational testing and evaluation of live fires of the AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II infrared air-to-air missile. The U.S. government is now finalizing the approval, acceptance and delivery of Block II missiles to the U.S. and foreign allies, which are scheduled later this year. Block I missiles have been delivered to nine U.S. allies, while seven customers have already signed up for deliveries of Block II by the beginning of this year (read more: Raytheon Completes AIM-9X Missile Testing with U.S. Navy).
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4. United Technologies Corporation’s (UTX - Analyst Report) unit, Sikorsky Aircraft, completed the delivery of six CH-148 Cyclone helicopters to the Canadian government. The helicopters are the first batch of an order of 28 Cyclone aircraft that Sikorsky is scheduled to deliver to the Canadian Armed Forces (read more: UTX's Sikorsky Delivers 6 Cyclone Helicopters to Canada).5. Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.’s Newport News Shipbuilding segment broke ground for building a 250,000-square-foot joint manufacturing assembly facility. The facility’s first two phases, to open in 2017, will support work under current contracts for the Navy's new Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear-powered carriers and Virginia-class submarines. It will be among the largest at the shipyard. Meanwhile, as a part of its planned incremental availability, Newport News Shipbuilding clinched a $23.8 million contract from the U.S. Navy for nuclear propulsion and complex modernization work on the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). The modernization work is expected to be completed by Nov 2015 at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Performance The last five trading days have seen gains for the sector overall led by Northrop Grumman and followed by Boeing. The picture in the past six-month period is mixed with gains as well as losses. Only Boeing and Rockwell Collins have been able to register double-digit gains. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and L-3 Communications on the other hand have failed to end in the green. General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and Textron registered single-digit share price appreciation. The following table shows the price movement of the major defense players over the past five trading days and during the last six months.Click & Close Ads
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L-3 (LLL) Unit Gets $117M Contract for MC4 Program - Analyst Blog
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Defense operator L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. LLL said that its National Security Solutions ("L-3 NSS") business has been awarded an integration and technical support contract worth $117 million for the U.S. Army's Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) program. MC4 system provides important details to the medical personnel for quick and accurate access to patient histories, ensuring that deployed soldiers receive appropriate medical treatment from the battlefield through recovery and beyond. MC4 also provides automated tools to facilitate patient tracking, blood management, medical reporting and medical logistical support. Timeliness and accurate medical details are crucial for saving lives of critical patients. Also, providing the right medical treatment during the golden hour could help save lives. The MC4 program with its timeliness and accuracy had helped save the lives of wounded soldiers.
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Per the new contract, L-3 NSS will extend its support for this program for the period that runs from Jan 2015 through Dec 2019. In addition, L-3 NSS will expand its current engineering and integration efforts to further strengthen this critical program for medical communications. L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. exited fourth quarter 2014 on a positive note with its earnings per share and total revenue of $2.19 and $3,208 million beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 3.7% and 1.8%, respectively. L-3 Communications expects to maintain the strong performance in 2015 as well, supported by the defense contract wins at regular intervals. L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. currently has a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Other better-ranked stocks in the space are API Technologies Corp. ATNY , Rockwell Collins Inc. COL and AAR Corp. AIR . All of these stocks carry a Zacks Rank #2.
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Defense operator L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. LLL said that its National Security Solutions ("L-3 NSS") business has been awarded an integration and technical support contract worth $117 million for the U.S. Army's Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) program. MC4 system provides important details to the medical personnel for quick and accurate access to patient histories, ensuring that deployed soldiers receive appropriate medical treatment from the battlefield through recovery and beyond. MC4 also provides automated tools to facilitate patient tracking, blood management, medical reporting and medical logistical support. Timeliness and accurate medical details are crucial for saving lives of critical patients. Also, providing the right medical treatment during the golden hour could help save lives. The MC4 program with its timeliness and accuracy had helped save the lives of wounded soldiers.
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Per the new contract, L-3 NSS will extend its support for this program for the period that runs from Jan 2015 through Dec 2019. In addition, L-3 NSS will expand its current engineering and integration efforts to further strengthen this critical program for medical communications. L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. exited fourth quarter 2014 on a positive note with its earnings per share and total revenue of $2.19 and $3,208 million beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 3.7% and 1.8%, respectively. L-3 Communications expects to maintain the strong performance in 2015 as well, supported by the defense contract wins at regular intervals. L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. currently has a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Other better-ranked stocks in the space are API Technologies Corp. ATNY , Rockwell Collins Inc. COL and AAR Corp. AIR . All of these stocks carry a Zacks Rank #2.
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L’acte lll de la décentralisation étouffe le maire de Grand-yoff, les populations menacent de marcher pour rappeler l’Etat à la raison
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Le maire de Grand-Yoff ne lâche pas l’Acte lll de la décentralisation. Selon Pape Madiop Diop, ce texte élaboré par le régime de Macky Sall comporte des problèmes dans sa mise en œuvre. Au -delà des critiques formulées sur le texte, le premier magistrat de la dite commune a invité les force vive pour évaluer l’Acte lll de la décentralisation. Il a réuni notables, délégués de quartiers, jeunes et femmes de sa localité, hier, à l’hôtel de ville pour échanger sur les difficultés auxquelles tous les maires de Dakar sont confrontées. « L’acte lll est venu avec des difficultés. C’est une réforme incomplète. Nous avons des problèmes pour agir normalement. Notre véritable difficulté est un problème financier. Depuis très longtemps, ce sont les communes qui collectaient les taxes sur l’eau et la patente. Mais maintenant, l’Etat veut créer une Agence pour y verser tous ces fonds. Nous pensons c’est anormale. L’Etat doit nous laisser nos taxes. Si l’Etat nous retire toutes ces taxes, mais comment allons nous fonctionner ? Voilà notre inquiétude », a expliqué le maire de Grand Yoff à sa population.
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Les difficultés financières commencent à impacter dans certaines communes qui ont du mal à payer le salaire de leurs personnels. C’est le cas à Grand –Yoff même si le maire continue toujours de résister. Des solutions alternatives ont été élaborées. « J’ai payé les salaires du mois passé. Et je vais payer aussi ceux du mois de juin. Mais, si l’Etat ne nous laisse pas ses taxes là, nous aurons des difficultés pour payer les salaires. Parce qu’actuellement, ce sont ces taxes qui nous permettent de fonctionner. Je ne le souhaite pas, mais je pense que d’ici peu de temps, nous aurons des difficultés pour payer les salaires », s’inquiète Pape Madiop Diop. Les fonds de dotation se sont également invités dans les débats. Mr le maire juge que la répartition n’est pas bonne. « Grand Yoff recevait 220 millions de fond de dotation et 130 millions de fond d’équipement. Cette année nous avons reçu 43 millions de l’Etat comme fond de dotation et 9 millions pour le fond d’équipement. L’écart est grand. Voilà notre inquiétude », se désole Madiop Diop. Une désolation partagée par les populations. D’ailleurs certaines parmi elles pensent que c’est le chef de l’Etat qui est en train de déclarer la guerre à Khalifa Sall. Les forces vives de Grand Yoff ont aussi fait savoir à leur maire, qu’ils vont porter le combat. Ils n’excluent pas de descendre dans les rues pour crier leur colère. Le maire en a profité pour éclairer la lanterne des populations sur la masse salariale. Elle est revue à la hausse en passant de 11 millions Fcfa à 43 millions Fcfa. Cette hausse s’explique par le redéploiement de certains agents de la ville de Dakar à la Commune. 154 agents ont été redéployés à Grand Yoff dont 79 agents de santé. Mis en ligne par Mamadou Fall Cette entrée a été publiée dans Politique. Vous pouvez la mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.
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Le maire de Grand-Yoff ne lâche pas l’Acte lll de la décentralisation. Selon Pape Madiop Diop, ce texte élaboré par le régime de Macky Sall comporte des problèmes dans sa mise en œuvre. Au -delà des critiques formulées sur le texte, le premier magistrat de la dite commune a invité les force vive pour évaluer l’Acte lll de la décentralisation. Il a réuni notables, délégués de quartiers, jeunes et femmes de sa localité, hier, à l’hôtel de ville pour échanger sur les difficultés auxquelles tous les maires de Dakar sont confrontées. « L’acte lll est venu avec des difficultés. C’est une réforme incomplète. Nous avons des problèmes pour agir normalement. Notre véritable difficulté est un problème financier. Depuis très longtemps, ce sont les communes qui collectaient les taxes sur l’eau et la patente. Mais maintenant, l’Etat veut créer une Agence pour y verser tous ces fonds. Nous pensons c’est anormale. L’Etat doit nous laisser nos taxes. Si l’Etat nous retire toutes ces taxes, mais comment allons nous fonctionner ? Voilà notre inquiétude », a expliqué le maire de Grand Yoff à sa population.
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Les difficultés financières commencent à impacter dans certaines communes qui ont du mal à payer le salaire de leurs personnels. C’est le cas à Grand –Yoff même si le maire continue toujours de résister. Des solutions alternatives ont été élaborées. « J’ai payé les salaires du mois passé. Et je vais payer aussi ceux du mois de juin. Mais, si l’Etat ne nous laisse pas ses taxes là, nous aurons des difficultés pour payer les salaires. Parce qu’actuellement, ce sont ces taxes qui nous permettent de fonctionner. Je ne le souhaite pas, mais je pense que d’ici peu de temps, nous aurons des difficultés pour payer les salaires », s’inquiète Pape Madiop Diop. Les fonds de dotation se sont également invités dans les débats. Mr le maire juge que la répartition n’est pas bonne. « Grand Yoff recevait 220 millions de fond de dotation et 130 millions de fond d’équipement. Cette année nous avons reçu 43 millions de l’Etat comme fond de dotation et 9 millions pour le fond d’équipement. L’écart est grand. Voilà notre inquiétude », se désole Madiop Diop. Une désolation partagée par les populations. D’ailleurs certaines parmi elles pensent que c’est le chef de l’Etat qui est en train de déclarer la guerre à Khalifa Sall. Les forces vives de Grand Yoff ont aussi fait savoir à leur maire, qu’ils vont porter le combat. Ils n’excluent pas de descendre dans les rues pour crier leur colère. Le maire en a profité pour éclairer la lanterne des populations sur la masse salariale. Elle est revue à la hausse en passant de 11 millions Fcfa à 43 millions Fcfa. Cette hausse s’explique par le redéploiement de certains agents de la ville de Dakar à la Commune. 154 agents ont été redéployés à Grand Yoff dont 79 agents de santé. Mis en ligne par Mamadou Fall Cette entrée a été publiée dans Politique. Vous pouvez la mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.
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